Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Its a GIRL!!!

Let us fast forward a few months... September 23,2011 the first time I felt "Roo" move and the day of our gender ultrasound. up until this point we have gone to our monthly appointments and talked with the Dr. I had my quad screen done and chances of ds were very low and everything looked good. I went to anatomy that morning and then our ultrasound came around... Daniel had said to me a few days before that he was pretty sure we were going to have a girl. So we get to the hospital and they call us back and I get on the table. The u/s tech puts the probe on me and finds "Roo's" location and there we see it her money shot... She had her legs spreed wide open there was no denying we were going to have a girl... BETHANY LEIGH MORRIS

Our First Appointment

June 28 that is the the day we heard our peanuts heartbeat for the first time and we knew this was real... Our peanut was 6 weeks and 3 days. It was the most amazing thing I had ever heard. I even think Daniel cried:)

Two Pink Lines

So I'm going back to the very beginning. June 10th 2011... That was the day I found out we were expecting. I was one day late and very nervous to test but I did anyway. Daniel had taken Alina home and was on the way back. I told him I was going to test but I wasn't going to look till he got home. Well  I took the test and flipped it over on the counter and waited. Well I couldn't wait till Daniel got home I flipped it back over and looked and that is when I saw it. 2 pink lines... I called Daniel and he thought I was crying but I was so happy i couldn't believe it... When he got home I took another one so he could see that it was true and there they were again but this time darker... My two pink lines.